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Giving something up for Lent isn’t just about self-discipline. It’s about making space to refocus on God. One of the biggest challenges in that process is remembering where real satisfaction comes from.  

It’s so easy to reach for things that bring temporary comfort. Food, entertainment, success, even just staying busy, are all things we use to fill the void – but they’ll never truly fill us. 

Jesus reminds us that he is the only one who can truly satisfy. Bread, for example, will fill us temporarily, but we’ll eventually get hungry again. Jesus describes himself as the bread of life, promising lasting satisfaction.  

This lent, take time to pause and ask yourself what you’re truly looking for in life. Are you chasing things that will never satisfy, or are you turning to Jesus, the only one who truly can? 

Pray: Jesus, you are the Bread of Life. Fill me with your presence today, and help me find my satisfaction in you alone. Amen. 
