Imagine sitting in a prison cell. Most of us would feel anxious, frustrated, and hopeless. But Paul, writing from prison, doesn’t wallow in defeat. Instead, he shares a powerful insight: he has learned the secret to being content no matter the circumstances.
Sounds crazy, right? We live in a world that constantly tells us we need more. More success, more stuff, more status, is the key to happiness. But Paul flips the script. True contentment doesn’t come from our circumstances, he says – it comes from trusting that Christ is enough.
That’s what Paul’s writings from prison say, and that’s a challenge we can lean on during lent. In a season of giving up distractions and refocusing on God, remember today that he is enough for you.
Pray: God, help me find contentment in you, not in what I have or don’t have. Help me to trust that you will always be enough for me. Amen.