When Jesus walked the earth, he learned a lot about the human condition – including what temptation feels like. He actually spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness, and this is where we see him overcome temptation time and time again. The devil preyed on Jesus during his weakest moments, tempting him with empty promises to give him food, protect him from injury, and give him unlimited power and influence. He was trying to get Jesus to rely on his own power, but each time Jesus turned back to God's promises in the Bible.
When you’re tempted to indulge in a habit or behavior you know you shouldn’t, what do you do to overcome it? If you rely on sheer discipline or willpower, you won’t get very far.
The real key is to remember God’s Word and lean on it. Nothing on earth will satisfy the desires of your heart the way God will. In 2 Corinthians, he tells us that his grace is all we need, and his power works best in our weakness. Whatever temptation you face today, remember that God can give you the strength to overcome it.
Pray: God, help me remember that I can trust your word. Teach me to depend on you in every situation. Amen.