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Bible Reading / Watch Your Mouth!

Day 2 | Gossip


Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with someone who is gossiping about another person? And has that ever left you wondering if they talk about you the way they talk about others? Worse yet, have you ever been the subject of gossip and were hurt when you learned what someone was saying about you? 

That’s the devastating result of gossip. It causes doubt. It causes pain. Gossip can quickly tear apart friendships and communities, breeding mistrust and division. 

God doesn’t teach us in his word to talk about each other. He wants us to talk to each other, living in community instead of disunity. The Bible is full of encouragement for God’s people to live in harmony, helping, praying for, and loving one another. 

Gossip simply doesn’t fit in that kind of world. Gossip is self-serving. It tries to give importance to the person who has the juicy details. A kingdom mentality doesn’t seek glory for oneself. It puts others first. So refuse to participate in gossip, be it speaking it or listening to it from others. Instead, choose to use and encourage speech that builds up and strengthens relationships, fostering trust and integrity. 
