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Bible Reading / Watch Your Mouth!

Day 1 | The Power of Words


It's easy to underestimate the significance of our words. God warns us of their power to bring either life or death. You might think that sounds dramatic, but think of it this way: A teenage girl is struggling with her self-image. Mean-spirited, critical words can make her feel ashamed, isolated, and depressed. Positive, affirming, encouraging words can help her see herself in a new light. The mean-spirited words can bring death to a healthy self-image. The affirming words can bring life to her self-confidence. 

Even words spoken without any intention of harm can inflict pain if we don’t consider how they might be heard by the other person. We can be flippant and careless when trying to come across as relevant and important, thinking more of our own position than of the person receiving our words. But well thought-out encouragement, or even carefully worded correction, can lift someone who might be close to giving up or turn them from the wrong path.

Take time to consider the weight of your words before speaking. Recognize their potential to either uplift and encourage or tear down and harm. Pray continually for the grace and wisdom to speak life-giving words. When we align our speech with God's wisdom, we can speak words that reflect his love and grace, bringing life and positivity into every interaction. 
