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It’s rarely a good thing when a stranger shows up at your door. At best, maybe it’s a solicitor. At worst, it could be an officer bearing bad news. But sometimes, the message the stranger brings can be good: a surprise flower delivery or a package you’ve been excited to receive.

When angels appeared to people in the Bible, they brought messages from God. People were often afraid of angels because they weren’t the winged, halo-wearing, glowing figures we picture. Angels were large and imposing, yet their messages were often hopeful and encouraging.

Angels are created beings like us, but humans hold a unique place in God’s heart, created in his image with a purpose and designed to live eternally with him. Angels were created to worship God, but when the devil and a third of the angels rebelled, they were doomed forever. There is no salvation for them.

When the angel Gabriel came to Mary to tell her about the birth of Jesus, he brought a joyful message: Mary would bear the long-awaited Messiah, fulfilling God’s promise to Eve, Abraham, and David. The Savior had come, and his name is Jesus.

This same message is for us today: Jesus died to save us from sin and death, and he lives now to bring us eternal life!

Reflect on the message of salvation Gabriel brought to Mary. Write down what it means to you that Jesus is your Savior.
