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We use the metaphor of the wilderness for a reason – because it often evokes feelings of isolation. After all, the wilderness is secluded, off the grid. You feel like the only person in the world.  

That’s often how we feel when we’re walking through trials. Suffering has a way of making us feel isolated, even from God. But even in the wilderness, God didn’t abandon the Israelites. He led them with a cloud by day and fire by night, offering guidance the whole way. Moses sought out time with God in the tent of meeting, where he experienced God’s presence in a deep, personal way. 

When life gets busy or chaotic, it’s easy to lose sight of God. But we need to lean in, pitch our own tent where we can rest in God’s presence. If you keep listening for God’s voice, he’ll keep speaking to you. Find a quiet place today to sit with God. Share your thoughts, feelings, and questions with him, and pay attention to how he directs you. 
