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When you’re uncertain about what’s next for you in life, it’s natural to start feeling antsy and anxious. You just want to skip the hard part and fast-forward to what’s next. 

That’s what happened with the Israelites. While Moses was on Mount Sinai, the Israelites grew impatient waiting for him to return. In their impatience, they began to doubt God. Those doubts ultimately led them into disobedience. They took matters into their own hands and created a golden calf to worship.  

Waiting on God is difficult, especially when we feel like nothing’s happening. But those waiting periods are often the ones where God refines our hearts. It’s uncomfortable and uncertain, and leaves us itching to do something, but we need to learn to trust God’s timing. He’s working even when we can’t see it. 

What can you do today to get more comfortable in the waiting? Try spending 10 minutes in stillness and use that time to reflect on God’s faithfulness in your life. 
