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5 Misconceptions Keeping You from Being Baptized

At LCBC, we celebrate Baptism three or more times a year as a way for people to celebrate their story of life change with their community.

Growing Faith
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Being baptized is a milestone event in any Jesus follower’s life. It represents our sins being washed away and being raised to new life, and is something Jesus instructed us to do (Matthew 28:19). At LCBC, we celebrate Baptism three or more times a year as a way for people to share and celebrate their story of life change with their community.

Making the decision to get baptized should be thoughtfully considered before committing to it. However, sometimes we have misconceptions that prevent us from taking this next best step in our faith journey. The following five thoughts are just a few of the obstacles that can be removed from your path to becoming baptized.

1. My Story Isn’t Worth Sharing

We are truly inspired during our Baptism gatherings by people who have overcome incredible odds in life through their relationship with Jesus. Sometimes, that can be intimidating for those of us who haven’t had as many struggles. Remember that your story is God’s story and the work he has done in you is just as much of a reason to celebrate as any other life change story. You’ll be amazed at how he uses your story to impact people!

2. My Past Is Too Rough

On the other hand, some of us have experienced great trauma or mistakes in our past. Our relationship with Jesus has played a huge role leading us to where we are today. No matter what your past might be, you are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Your story of life change can be used by God as an inspiration to anyone who hears it!

3. I Don’t Have It All Together Yet

We all have junk in our lives that prevents us from being perfect. No matter how big or how small the struggles you are still working through, when you choose to get baptized you’re telling others how Jesus has clothed you in his perfection despite your flaws (Galatians 3:27). That is worth celebrating!

4. I Wouldn’t Know How to Tell My Story

It can feel intimidating to sum up your story in a few minutes - from all the people God has brought into your life to all the ways he has shown you grace. When you sign up to get baptized at LCBC, we have a short class to walk you through the process as well as to help you write your story. We’re happy to be there for you in whatever way we can through this awesome milestone.

5. I Accepted Jesus So Long Ago

Some of us made the decision to trust Jesus many years ago and it may seem odd to get baptized now. No matter how long ago you accepted Jesus, making the decision to get baptized will always be a milestone you have to look back on in your faith journey. You never know how your story will inspire others to invite people to church or to lead others to Christ!

No matter your reason for questioning why you should get baptized, ask God if now is the right time for you to share your story of life change! For more information about Baptism at LCBC or to sign up today, check out our Next Steps details.

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