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7 Ways to Grow in Your Faith

No matter where we are on our faith journey, we all have next steps.

Growing Faith
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When we choose to trust in Jesus, we’re committing to take steps to learn to better fully follow Him every day. If you haven’t trusted Jesus, we invite you to check out what it means to give your life to Him and experience life change through Him. 

No matter where we are on our faith journey, we all have next steps—intentional choices and commitments we make to strengthen and grow our relationship with Jesus. Colossians 2:6-7 tells us that after accepting Christ, our next step is to continue to grow in Him. If you’re looking for your next step, but aren’t sure of where to start, here are 7 ways to grow in your faith that you can start right now.

Come to Church

This may seem obvious, but planning and following through with coming to church on a regular basis is actually a great way to be intentional about our faith. When we attend consistently, we get a weekly dose of encouragement and strength, and we’re reminded of who God is and who we are in Him, providing a great foundation for our faith.

Tell Your Story through Baptism

If you’ve trusted Jesus as your Savior but you haven’t been baptized, sharing your story is a great way to publicly declare that you’re “all in” as a follower of Christ. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus declares for the nations to be made disciples through Baptism—and He wants the same for us. Baptism is for anyone who has yet to tell their story of life change through Jesus. When we tell our story, it encourages others to tell theirs. 

Get Connected

We know that we weren’t created to do life alone. Getting connected means building relationships with others. If you don’t know where to start, a great first step is getting into a LIFE Group. Being in a LIFE Group gives us the opportunity to consistently meet with people who we can talk to, depend on, and explore God’s word alongside. Finding your people means building a community and doing life together.

Start Serving

A practical way to make strengthening your faith a habit is by serving in the Church. Serving gives us the opportunity to help create environments where life change takes place—making you a direct part of God changing lives through these environments at LCBC. Using our strengths and abilities to serve not only gives others the opportunity to experience God’s love, it gives us the opportunity to experience what God can do through us.

Be Intentional with Personal Finances

One of the best ways to grow in our faith and show God that we trust Him is with our finances. Think about it: trusting God with every other part of our life—our family, our safety, our eternity—takes extreme trust, and our money is no different. Fully following Jesus includes understanding how to handle God’s money, His way, for His glory

Read the Bible

We know that our deepest relationships are those we invest the most time in, and our relationship with God is no different. Taking time to read God’s Word and apply it to our lives is a simple way to hear from Him directly. When we’re intentionally making time to reflect on what God has to say to us, we’re deepening our faith and our relationship with Him.

Talk to God

Praying about everything is one of the most valuable things we can do as followers of Jesus. In the good, the bad, the exciting, the scary, the unnerving, the confusing, and the seemingly hopeless—we should strive to turn to God with every part of our lives. Praying builds our faith by establishing the relationship between us and God and leading us to trust Him by looking to Him in all aspects of our life. There’s no right or wrong way to pray—simply talking to God is enough for Him to hear you and build your relationship with Him. 

Everyone has a next step when it comes to our faith. For more information on the next steps we have at LCBC, visit

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