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He Chose The Nails

Northern Dauphin

In He Chose the Nails, Max Lucado observes that the last moments leading up to Jesus’ death were not left up to chance. God chose the path; he selected the nails. Our Lord planted the trio of crosses and painted the sign. And in those details are gifts Christ provided for us...the cross. Search the scene of the cross and listen for God’s gentle whisper, “I did it just for you.” Max Lucado’s book and an accompanying study guide are available for purchase on Amazon or wherever you buy your books. Led by Jessica White and Michelle Fulkroad.

Group Details

Meeting Dates 3/17/25 - 4/21/25
Meeting Time & Frequency Weekly: Mondays at 6:00 PM
Meeting Location On-site
Childcare This group is for adults only
Gender Female
Group Leader(s) Jessica White, Michelle Fulkroad

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