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Women's Onsite Group - Fear and Faith


Failure, rejection, sickness, losing a loved one, being alone—the fears we carry are many and heavy. Fear can be a tyrant, a bully we can't hide from. It can paralyze our spirit, damage our relationships, and hinder our faith. When we're struck with fear, where do we turn? Can God really be trusted? In five sessions we will invite women to explore their fears and how those fears impact their relationships, self-esteem, peace of mind, and walk with God. Whatever your fear, you will realize you are not alone, nor are you without hope. You have the One who can calm your fears, grow your faith, and give the peace your heart craves.

Group Details

Meeting Dates 2/6/25 - 3/6/25
Meeting Time & Frequency Weekly: Thursdays at 6:30 PM
Meeting Location On-site
Childcare This group is for adults only
Gender Female
Group Leader(s) Joan Savoy

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