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Bible Reading / Who God Says You Are

Day 1 | You are Chosen

Read: Ephesians 1:4-5

Have you ever planned a dinner party, a wedding, or a backyard barbecue? There are so many choices to make! Food and drinks, date, time, location – but the most important choice is this: who will you invite?

Sometimes the kind of gathering dictates who is invited. A wedding may be open to the whole neighborhood, but the rehearsal dinner is for a select few.

God is preparing an eternal feast. He picked you out, out of every continent and every people group, and thought to himself “Yes. That one is on the guest list.”

You. If you have trusted Jesus and asked for his forgiveness, you have accepted God’s invitation.

The bride and groom may choose who attends the rehearsal dinner based on who will be in the wedding, not just who will attend. The rehearsal dinner is a much more intimate affair.

Not so with God’s invitation. It’s not based on what you can do or contribute. You are chosen because of God’s love, mercy, and grace. That’s good news!

Prayer: Dear God, you are so good! You are filled with love and mercy, and it is only because of your love and mercy that I will one day join you in your kingdom. When life is hard and my feelings overwhelm me, help me to remember that I am chosen, based on who you are, and that will never change. Amen.
