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Bible Reading / The Names of God

Day 9 | Yahweh Rohi: The LORD My Shepherd


Every name of God shows us more of who he is and the role he wants to have in our lives. He is sovereign over all things and wants to be our leader. He is the one who heals. He is holy and keeps his promises. How does Yahweh Rohi, the LORD our shepherd, show us who he is and what he wants to be in our lives?

It’s a question that modern western Christians might not have an immediate answer for, but the people of ancient Israel and the people who walked with Jesus understood it in their bones. Sheep were a common sight in ancient Israel, and sheep need a shepherd. A shepherd will help them find water. Not just any water, though; he will lead them to peaceful streams, streams that aren’t moving fast - because wool becomes heavy with water, and if a rushing stream knocked a sheep over, he’d quickly drown, unable to right himself. 

A shepherd would lead his sheep to green pastures. Often, traveling to those green pastures required walking between steep-walled ravines, excellent places for thieves and animal predators to wait for defenseless sheep. With their shepherd standing guard and leading them through the darkest valley, they were safe. When the sheep wandered away, the shepherd went after them, and he used his rod and his staff to guide them back.

When the people who listened to Jesus heard him say, “I am the Good Shepherd,” they knew what he was referring to. Like a wet, defenseless, wandering sheep trusts its shepherd, we can trust our God to lead, guide, protect, and save us. Will you trust him today?

Prayer: Dear God, my shepherd, I trust you. You are the God who guides and saves me. You are the one who protects me and fights for me. I can rest in green pastures because I know I am not alone. You are with me. Amen.
