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Bible Reading / The Names of God

Day 7 | Adonai: Sovereign Lord


While Yahweh or Jehovah is often translated as LORD, in all capital letters, Lord, with only the L capitalized, is the Hebrew word Adonai. Sometimes it will be translated as “Sovereign Lord,” which gives us a better idea of what it means. This name for God describes his role in our lives: he wants to be our lord and master.

Sovereignty is the idea of kingship. Charles is the sovereign king over the United Kingdom. King David was sovereign over Israel. For David to call God “Sovereign Lord” meant that he acknowledged God’s role as ruler over his life. God is all-powerful, creating the heavens and the earth, commanding wind and waves, saving Israel from slavery and leading them to the promised land.

Does the idea of submitting to an all-powerful God scare you? It will if you forget one very important fact: God is love. God proved both his power and his love when Jesus died on the cross for our sins; paying for our sin was something only God could do, and because he loves us, he was the only one that wanted to. Reminding ourselves of God’s power and love gives us the ability to say as David did, “Adonai, how great you are! There is none like you!”

Prayer: Dear God, Sovereign Lord, thank you for showing your power and love for me on the cross. I trust you with every aspect of my life because I know that your love will give me good things and the strength to endure bad things and that your power will work everything out for my good. Amen.
