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Bible Reading / The Names of God

Day 3 | Elohim: Mighty God


We don’t use the word “mighty” very often. It’s another word for strength. In the reading today, Elijah challenges the people by saying, 'If the LORD is God, worship Him.' When we see God with a capital G in our Bible, that's the Hebrew word Elohim. The big G is distinguishing a false god from the true God. Our God is strong, mighty, as he proved in this showdown with the prophets of Baal.

Elijah was a prophet to the northern kingdom of Israel, during the reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. These two turned people turned to other gods. Elijah wouldn’t move from his faith; he knew the God he served! When it came time for a showdown between him, a servant of the one true God, and the prophets of the false god Baal, Elijah had faith that God had the power to deliver.

The prophets of Baal cried out to their god all day, and nothing happened. When it was Elijah’s turn to call out to God, he ordered men to pour water all over the sacrifice and the altar. Why? Because wet wood doesn’t burn. No wayward spark from a torch would start this fire. Only God could do it! And God did. He heard Elijah’s prayer, and he responded as only he could. The sacrifice was consumed by fire from heaven, and the people turned their hearts back to God. 

An army may be strong, but it will accomplish nothing sitting in the barracks. Talking to God is great, but even better: he answers! Our God is not an abstract idea, an energy in the universe, or a dispassionate watchmaker. He is a personal God who loves us and wants a relationship with us. God is mighty to save.

Prayer: God, thank you for being the God who can answer me when I need you. Thank you for the gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. I trust in you for my every need, because you are the only one who is mighty to save. Amen.
