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Bible Reading / The Names of God

Day 15 | Yahweh M'Kaddesh: The LORD Makes You Holy


Earlier, we saw "Holy One" or "Kadosh" as a name of God. Here, we have the Hebrew "M'Kaddesh," which means “the one who makes us holy.” The Holy One is set apart; he is not like any other. He calls his people to be set apart, as well.

Ancient Israel sat on the crossroads of the ancient world. Starting in Egypt and traveling to India, you passed through Israel. Starting in India and traveling to the ancient city-states of Greece, you had to pass through Israel. 

God had a purpose for this. As foreigners traveled through ancient Israel, they would interact with God’s people. They would see how they worshipped differently than any other nation worshipped. They would see that their God was holy and demanded holiness. The purpose of the people and the land was to invite people to “come and see” this God they worshipped.

God still makes us - his people - holy, setting them apart for the same purpose that Israel was set apart. He wants us to be set apart from our culture, so that those around us will say, “How is your God different? Why should I worship him?” But now, instead of saying, “Come and see,” we have the command of Jesus: “Go and tell.” How can you introduce someone to Jesus and together fully follow him? That is, after all, our purpose.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for changing my life, and for continuing to make me more like Jesus. Give me opportunities to introduce people to you, and give me the courage and boldness to speak up in a culture that desperately needs to know who you are and how much you love us. Amen.
