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Earlier in this reading plan, we saw how God’s prophets and angels foretold the Messiah’s birth. Angels announced his arrival to Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men. The Jews and wise men expected a king to lead and reign. But who is this baby, really?

Jesus is fully God - the one present at creation and the source of all life. Nothing exists apart from him. Yet he is also fully human - born as a baby, raised as a child, and lived as a man. Though it’s hard to grasp, Jesus is both 100% God and 100% human.

He had to be. As humans, we’re prone to sin, and the payment for sin is death. In the Old Testament, people sacrificed animals to cover their sins, but this was never God’s ultimate plan. To truly save us, he needed to take on humanity and become mortal.

Jesus came to fulfill every Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah. But more than that, he came to reconcile us to God. Christmas isn’t just about celebrating his birth - it’s also a reminder of Easter, when Jesus died for our sins and rose again to bring us back to God.

Take a moment to reflect on who Jesus is in your life. He isn’t just the baby in a manger; he is your Savior - fully God and fully human, sent to bridge the gap between you and God. How does this change the way you see Christmas? How does it impact how you live your everyday life?

Today, consider what it means to believe in Jesus as both the child who came for you and the Savior who died and rose again for you. What would it look like for you to follow him more fully today?
