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Bible Reading / Lent | Week 1: Turning Back to God

Day 7 | Preparing for What's Ahead


Before the miracles, before the teachings, before the cross, Jesus spent forty days alone in the wilderness. It was kind of like his own season of Lent. He fasted and prayed, and through it all he faced temptation. For Jesus, this wasn’t just a test – it was preparation. 

You could be walking through a tough season right now. Maybe you're facing struggles that feel overwhelming – and forcing yourself to give something up, shake up your routine, or spend more time doing just one more thing feels like too much. 

What if, instead of seeing this Lent journey as an obstacle, you looked at it like Jesus did – as preparation? God often uses challenging seasons to strengthen us for what’s ahead. Lent is a time to lean in, trust God, and remember that he is preparing you for something greater. 

Pray: God, help me see this season as preparation. Strengthen me for what’s ahead. Amen. 
