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Bible Reading / Lent | Week 1: Turning Back to God

Day 3 | What God Really Wants


Sometimes we treat spiritual disciplines like a checklist. Read the Bible – check. Fast from something – check. Pray today – check. But in Isaiah 58, God reminds us that fasting means nothing if it doesn’t really change how we live. God isn’t about empty religious rituals – he's in the business of life change. 

True fasting is about more than just giving something up; it’s about making room for God’s heart in our lives. It’s about showing kindness, seeking justice, and caring for those in need. As we journey through Lent, let’s ask: How is my faith leading me to love others? 

Pray: God, help me focus less on religious duty and more on living out your love. Open my eyes to the needs around me, and let my faith be active and real. Amen. 
