Lent is a historic Christian practice. It’s a 40-day period leading up to Easter spent reflecting on Jesus' journey to the cross and preparing our hearts for the celebration of his resurrection. Ultimately, Lent begins with an invitation from God: Return to me.
It’s not a call to perform religious duties, but to offer our hearts to God. The people of Israel had a habit of going through the motions. They would fast and make sacrifices, but these things were all performative. Despite doing all the right things on the outside, their hearts weren’t in it. God wasn’t impressed by their actions – he longed for their hearts.
This season is an opportunity to do the same. Pause, reflect, and turn your heart fully toward God. It’s common for people to spend Lent fasting – or giving something up – in order to focus more on self-reflection and prayer. But the goal isn't to do whatever looks best like the Israelites. Take inventory of the current state of your heart: where have you drifted? What distractions have pulled you away?
Over the next 40 days, commit to removing these distractions and bringing your focus (and your heart) back to God. He's already waiting for you with open arms!
Pray: God, help me return to you with my whole heart. Help me get rid of distractions, and let this season be one of renewal. Thank you for your mercy and love. Amen.