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Bible Reading / Key People

Day 45

2 Samuel 2


Israel is made up of 12 tribes, or clans. David was from the clan of Judah and was made king of that clan. The other 11 clans followed Saul’s son Ish-bosheth. Ish-bosheth was not God’s chosen leader so David was free to oppose him. In this chapter and the ones to follow, David’s strength increases, he defeats Ish-bosheth and becomes king of all of Israel. God’s appointment of David as king takes 40 years to complete, but it does happen.

David remained faithful to God through many difficult times and over a long period of time. How long have you prayed for some loved one to come to Christ or to turn from a sinful behavior? How long have you prayed for healing or financial stability? Could you be as patient and obedient as David was? Waiting on God is not fun, but is well worth the wait!
