There’s a big difference between fundraising and biblical generosity. Fundraising is an act – giving to a cause. But biblical generosity is a way of life. It’s not something we do; it’s who we are. As followers of Jesus, generosity flows from our identity, not just from our wallets.
The churches in Macedonia are a great example of this. Even though they were poor and going through hard times, they were filled with joy and begged for more opportunities to give. They didn’t just give – they gave with overflowing generosity. It’s hard for us to imagine, but even though they were poor, they saw generosity as a privilege.
Biblical generosity is rooted in love and joy. It’s a mindset that reflects the heart of God. Imagine what the world would look like if we all lived like the churches of Macedonia – meeting needs, selling possessions, and doing it all with joy. God uses the poor to show us what true generosity looks like.
Reflect: How can I shift from simply giving when asked to making generosity a central part of my life and identity?