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When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, he didn’t take them the shortest route to the Promised Land. Instead, he took them the long way, through the wilderness. The Israelites didn’t know it, but God was steering them out of the way of an enemy they weren’t ready to fight. All they knew was they were going on long, difficult journey. They didn’t know what was ahead, and their only option was to follow God’s lead. 

Sometimes we find ourselves in similar seasons. We don’t know where we’re going, and all we can see is what’s right in front of us. But God sees the bigger picture – he may be protecting you, shaping you, or teaching you. These seasons are hard, but never wasted. God uses them to shape our character, helping us to become more resilient in the face of adversity and to depend more fully on him.  

Are you in a wilderness season in life right now? Rather than focusing on how far you have to go, embrace the journey. Talk to God today and ask to reveal what he may be trying to grow in you through this challenge. 
